Thursday, August 22, 2013

To Emancipate or Eradicate: John Baird vs REAL Women of Canada

Don’t you just love the way the right-wing fundamentalist hypocrites are starting to shoot each other in the foot! Yes, the rattlesnakes are committing suicide again!

The latest embarrassment to the Christian Right comes in the form of comments made by members of “pro-family” lobby group REAL Women of Canada. It appears the Harper Conservatives are simply no longer conservative enough to please such fundamentalist Christian women who put them in power in the first place [read the CBC’s coverage of the story here]. In a recent press release REAL Women National Vice-President Gwendolyn Landolt stated:

Just who does John Baird think he is, using taxpayers’ money to promote his own personal agenda and endeavouring to set standards of the laws of foreign countries? He argues that homosexual rights are a ‘Canadian value’, but this applies only to himself and his fellow activists and the left-wing elitists. These are not conservative values and that of grass roots Canadians, who after all, pay the bulk of the taxes.” [Read the entire rubbish rant right here]

Ms ’dolt’s comment comes in the wake of Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird’s condemnation of recently enacted anti-homosexual laws in countries such as Russia and Uganda.

Apparently, it’s okay for these nosey ol’ bigots out in Alberta to criticize countries based on legalized prostitution, abortion, or a ‘low’ age of consent, but when one of their favourite right-wing politicians speaks out against gay-based persecution in Russia, Uganda, etc, they go ballistic, saying he’s interfering in the policies of a sovereign country. Find out their addresses, and then send these creepy bigots loads of feces and litres of urine! (Apparently, some good citizens of Canada has already made a practice of doing this! All I can say is, Bravo! It is highly commendable of you.)

If one would like to discover more about the antiquated policies of these national embarrassments, then please visit their official website.  Youve been warned....

The only policy of these meddling old bats that comes close to being logical is their stand against no-fault divorce, Sadly, they castigate Canada’s commie divorce laws for all the wrong reasons and from a male perspective. (These REAL women often strike me as being peculiarly ‘closet transsexual’ in their outlook.) Personally, if some lazy, penniless bastard ever tried to take fifty percent of any sizable nest egg that I may have hard-earned or rightly inherited, he’d soon be pushing up nettles in a lovely gravel-pit graveyard.  As long as there is no-fault divorce, justifiable homicide will remain a reality.  Support your local hit-man.  

It is also worth noting that REAL Women of Canada have a history of alleged associations with white supremacist groups. According to the Anti-Racist Canada blog, one of the lobby group’s former directors, Rita Ann Hartmann, led the Ottawa-based Northern Foundation. Also, Hartmann’s husband was a leader of the Ku Klux Klan and Western Guard; the couple’s sons were members of the neo-Nazi Heritage Front. One can read about this in more detail at the aforementioned blog.

As for John Baird, I guess its also worth mentioning in this context that rumours have been circulating for some time now that the Conservative minister is secretly gay himself. Hmm... I smell scandal.  Yummy.

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