Saturday, September 7, 2013

Ra Ra Rape! Saint Mary’s University Students Eagerly Awaiting Puberty!

Sis Boom Bah Humbug?

As anyone who’s watched the ‘frosh week’ video out of Saint Mary’s University in Nova Scotia should know by now, Y doesn’t always stand for a generation or the female genitalia. (Read the CBC's coverage here.)

No one should be surprised that the gang at Saint Mary’s like ’em ‘YOUNG’. The far-left and far-right policies adopted and legislated by our federal, provincial and even municipal governments over the past two decades or so have actually created this situation. So if the people in high places are shocked by rally chants promoting the sexual assault of minors, well, what in the name of Rehtaeh Parsons’s sleazy teenage tattoos did they expect?

Let me elaborate a little....

This incident can be easily interpreted as a quasi-reactionary statement. When lobbyists, governments and other ruling bodies prolong puberty via an illogically increased age of sexual consent, tobacco and alcohol restrictions, antiquated drug laws, etc, it is only reasonable to expect those effected to react accordingly. No one with an ounce of intelligence should have been shocked by this display, ridiculous as it was. What people are seeing is the behaviour that was once associated with 11- to 13-year olds being made manifest in those 17 to 23. When you whack the mole over the head, it merely pops up somewhere else.

Because of the prolonged childhood that is being mandated and legislated, college campuses and many high schools are becoming veritable pressure cookers—powder kegs of rage, booze, porno, libido and tobacco, just waiting to blow open. And then they wonder why school shootings have become such an indelible reality.

It’s interesting that the participants should reference sexual assault and underage girls in the same context, for the latter can actually be the cure for the former in some cases, so to speak. On a personal note, from about the age of 12 onward, my parents refused to let me date anyone who wasn’t an intelligent, respectable older student. They feared that the young boys my age were becoming simply too uncivilized and sexually violent, owing mainly to the aforementioned restrictions upon youth. Now I’m an 18-year-old young woman in my third semester at Memorial University, and I regret to announce that the prurience and sexual aggression are no longer exclusive to the high-school age level (or American campuses!). As I mentioned a few months ago on this blog, the campus is now crawling with ball-cap-wearing savages who think with their willies, and tattooed airheads who will acquiesce to any unwanted advances simply in order to look ‘cool’ and maintain their popularity status. Illegal or not, I wouldn’t be caught dead down in the campus tunnels at night without my revolver in my handbag.

Oh, the sheer poetry!  Cohen and Dylan must be jealous

And now the CBC are reporting that the president of the Saint Mary’s student union is apologizing and resigning as a result of this incident. Well, shame on him for caving in to hypocritical pressure! Unless he’s going back to sixth grade where him and his kind rightfully belong, Mr Jared Perry should indeed stay on in his office. We need him to remind us of just how wrong the policies of the past quarter-century have been. According to the same CBC news report, two other student leaders are facing “disciplinary action” as well. It’s lobbyists like the Canada Family Action Coalition (CFAC) and politicians like Stephen Harper who should be apologizing and facing disciplinary action. They’ve helped create such cretins and shaped their reactionary attitudes.

As for the actual chant/song, my mother insists it’s only slightly more offensive than some of the official filth she was expected to recite and sing when she was a member of the Air and Sea Cadets back in the ’80s.
