Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Free Speech Vs Hate Speech: What the Media is Failing to Tell Us

As one may have already heard, the Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that Mr William ‘Bill’ Whatcott was indeed preaching hatred when handing out anti-gay pamphlets a decade or so ago.

(Read about it here in The National Post.)

Regardless of how one feels about the whole issue of free speech versus (alleged) hate speech, there’s a whole other underlying story here that people seem to be forgetting or outright ignoring. In fact, it may be the only story here that affects us Canadians at large—albeit indirectly.

The media is failing to remind us exactly who Mr Whatcott’s friends are, and who has represented him politically at the federal level. The truth is, Mr Whatcott is cut from the same cloth as those who had the biggest hand in putting the Harper Conservatives in power. For over two decades, the Bill Whatcotts of the western provinces have been represented in Parliament by the Reform, Canadian Alliance and Conservative MPs. These parties have been the voice of Christian fundamentalism in Ottawa—and the Conservatives continue to be. Take a good look and have a good listen: it is people like Mr Whatcott whom Stephen Harper and his cronies primarily represent. One can smell bigots like Bill Whatcott on the majority of discriminatory sex-related legislation that the Harper government has forced through parliament over the past seven years.

Mr Whatcott will no doubt continue to preach his antiquated theocratic dogma and related rubbish until someone equally zealous and imposing from the Far Left puts a bullet between his eyes. In the meantime, please keep in mind his ideological bedfellows and political lineage in Ottawa.

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